Key points of postoperative care for lumbar anesthesia

The main points of postoperative care of lumbar anesthesia include the following: 1. After the patient returns to the ward, go to the pillow and lie down for 6 hours, and ask the patient not to sit or stand; 2. Before the anesthetic effect disappears, pay attention to the patient’s blood pressure, pulse and respiration, pay attention to the plane of anesthesia, and immediately report to the nurse or doctor if there is respiratory depression and changes in blood pressure and pulse; 3. Pay attention to the time of urination, and those who cannot urinate by themselves 6-8 hours after surgery should be induced to urinate, and those who are ineffective should be given catheterization; 4. If there are symptoms such as headache, lumbago and vomiting after surgery, symptomatic treatment can be given; 5. Fasting for 6 hours after surgery, and giving diet as prescribed by the doctor after 6 hours.

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