What should I do if I’m allergic to robins?

The allergic reaction caused by the cicada is mostly due to the allergy after contacting or consuming the cicada, firstly, we should avoid contacting it again, and symptomatic treatment can be given to those with serious symptoms. After contacting or consuming cicadas, allergic reactions should first be removed, avoiding re-exposure to or consumption of cicadas. Mild cases can be relieved on their own, and generally do not require special treatment. For severe allergic reactions, oral anti-allergy drugs such as cetirizine, loratadine, chlorpheniramine maleate, etc., can also be used externally to relieve the itching symptoms of the skin by using creams containing glucocorticoids on the parts of the skin where the skin rashes. Contact or consumption of cicadas caused by allergic reactions should be standardized treatment under the guidance of a physician, the emergence of related symptoms are recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner to avoid delays in the condition.

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