Mulberry goji berry infused water can girls drink?

Mulberry wolfberry soaked water girls can drink. 1. Mulberry is the dried fruit spikes of the mulberry plant of the mulberry family, sweet, sour, cold, to the heart, liver, kidney meridian. The effect is to nourish yin and tonify blood (nourish the blood in the body), and to produce fluids and moisten the intestines. It can be used to relieve dizziness, tinnitus, thirst, constipation and dryness of the intestines. Spleen and stomach cold (spleen and stomach weak cold), diarrhea and loose stools (feces thin not shaped) do not serve. 2. Lycium barbarum is the dried mature fruit of Ningxia wolfberry, family Solanaceae, sweet in taste, flat in nature, belonging to the liver and kidney meridian. Its effects are nourishing the liver and kidney, benefiting the essence and brightening the eyes (tonifying the essence and promoting the recovery of eyesight). Infusion can relieve yin deficiency of the liver and kidneys (deficiency of yin fluid in the liver and kidneys), soreness of the waist and knees, vertigo and tinnitus, impotence and spermatorrhea, and dizziness and uncertainty of the eyes. It should not be used by people with spleen deficiency and loose stools (thin and unformed feces). Note that the Chinese medicine bubble water tea drink can not replace the drug treatment of disease, can only play an auxiliary role, if there is physical discomfort, it is recommended that the hospital, under the guidance of the physician standardized treatment, do not unauthorized use of medication, and do not blindly use the Chinese medicine tea drink, so as not to cause delays in the condition.

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