How many days to take dextroprogesterone tablets for preeclampsia?

When a pregnant woman experiences a preeclampsia, the time it takes to see the effects of taking dextroprogesterone tablets is not certain. If there is no problem with the embryo, the bleeding may stop in a few days, if there is a problem with the embryo or the mother herself, it may progress to an inevitable miscarriage.

Deferiprone tablets are a progestin drug that can be taken to protect the fetus if the fetus is viable and the progesterone is low in the event of a miscarriage with preeclampsia. However, how many days you need to take it and how long it takes for it to work varies from person to person, and some people experience a gradual reduction in abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding after taking the medicine.

Deferiprone tablets should be taken to note that people with thrombosis can not be used, the use of dizziness, nausea and other adverse reactions may occur, the use of attention to the presence of bleeding to clarify the cause of bleeding before use.

If the bleeding cannot be stopped after taking dydrogesterone tablets, then you need to go to the hospital for ultrasound examination to rule out the risk of inevitable miscarriage. Any symptoms of discomfort while taking the medication should be seen in the hospital without delay.

Dydrogesterone should be used under the guidance of a doctor, avoid unauthorized use of the drug to prevent the triggering of adverse consequences.

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