How much does a minimally invasive lobectomy cost?

Minimally invasive lobectomy refers to thoracoscopic lobectomy, which often includes several surgical procedures, one is the classic thoracoscopic surgery with three holes, one entry hole, one main operating hole, and one auxiliary operating hole. At this time, the instruments used for lumpectomy are some straight nails, so the price is relatively cheap, and the general cost of classical thoracoscopic lobectomy is about 40-50,000. There is another type of lobectomy with a single operating hole, which refers to an entry hole and an operating hole, two holes to complete the surgery, which is relatively difficult and requires curved nails, and the price is relatively high, about 60,000. There is also a single-hole thoracoscopic surgery, when the surgery is more difficult, all the surgical instruments need to be completed with bent nails, and the cost of the surgery is around 70-80,000.

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