Dry eye symptoms

Dry eye is a collective term for dry eye, ocular dryness, and dry eye syndrome. It is an ocular surface disease, which refers to eye diseases caused by abnormalities in the quantity or quality of tears, and is most common in older women. Typical clinical manifestations of dry eye include eye dryness, fatigue, foreign body sensation, and blurred vision.

Patients with dry eye mainly have the following clinical symptoms. First, according to the name of dry eye, dryness and discomfort of the eyes are the most important clinical manifestations of dry eye. Secondly, most patients with dry eye will experience foreign body sensation, burning sensation, eye fatigue, eye redness, and blurred vision. For some patients with very serious symptoms, they may have a gritty or painful sensation in the eye, which may be aggravated in the afternoon or at night, and must be taken seriously. In patients with dry eyes, ophthalmologic examinations may show dilated bulbar conjunctival vessels, thickened, edematous, wrinkled, lusterless bulbar conjunctiva, and narrowed or interrupted tear ducts under slit lamp. The corneal epithelium will appear to be detached to varying degrees, and the area of corneal epithelial defect will stain fluorescently as positive. Once the above symptoms are detected, active measures should be taken for treatment. The normal physiological function of the eye can be restored by improving eye habits, removing the cause, and medication intervention.

Dry eyes are the most important symptom of dry eyes. Patients may also experience different degrees of foreign body sensation, blurred vision and eye redness. It is important to take good care of the condition to prevent recurrence of the disease.

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