Does taking painkillers affect menstruation?

In the presence of severe menstrual pain at the time of menstruation, which at this time has seriously affected the quality of life, oral pain medication can be taken. Pain medication does not affect menstruation or the amount of menstruation. It only provides a neurological and temporary anesthetic to the brain to relieve the current menstrual pain due to the shedding of the endometrium. The drug is metabolized very quickly and will be metabolized in about 4 hours, which will not affect the health of the body. After 3 days, if it is not so painful, drink as much brown sugar water as possible, including hot boiling water, and apply hot compresses on the abdomen, all of which can relieve menstrual pain. If there are changes in menstruation that are not related to pain medication, it should be observed. Sometimes endocrine hormone disorders, including stress, including eating some spicy, stimulating food and cold food before menstruation, may cause changes in menstruation, and may also cause severe menstrual pain, so it may not always be caused by drugs.

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