Can I get orthodontics at 38?

Orthodontic treatment is possible at the age of 38 with the assurance of healthy periodontal tissues. There is no age limit for orthodontic treatment. 1. Orthodontic treatment is one of the routine treatment programs in dentistry, which is mainly used to treat symptoms such as bite disorders or facial abnormalities caused by crooked and irregular teeth; the principle of orthodontic treatment is to make use of the plasticity of the alveolar bone, and to make the teeth rearranged with orthodontic arches and wires or invisible braces. 2. Therefore, orthodontic treatment must ensure that the periodontal tissues (mainly refers to the alveolar bone) are normal, in order to avoid symptoms such as tooth loosening and gum recession in the process of orthodontic treatment; therefore, orthodontic treatment can be carried out at the age of 38 years old if the periodontal tissues are maintained in good health. It is recommended to seek medical treatment under the operation of a professional orthodontist.

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