What to do if your nipples are not protruding as an adult

Adult nipple not protruding is mainly related to nipple inversion, mastitis, breast abscess and other reasons, different reasons, different treatment methods, it is recommended to further examination, clear reasons for targeted treatment. 1. Nipple inversion: It is a common deformity among women. The nipple is lower than the areola plane due to a variety of factors, and it is mainly manifested as the nipple not protruding, which can be restored to normal by stimulating the growth of tissues through external traction and can be cured through surgical treatment. 2. Mastitis: Inflammation caused by infection, which leads to nipple inversion and non-protrusion, usually accompanied by pain, swelling and other symptoms, usually through drug treatment, such as penicillin, cefdinir and so on, to eliminate the infectious germs and control the progress of the disease. 3. Breast abscess: in the breastfeeding period, due to infection caused by local redness and swelling, so that the nipple does not protrude, accompanied by redness, swelling, burning, pain and other symptoms, the need for surgical incision and drainage of pus, to promote the healing of the abscess, and at the same time with the medication, such as amoxicillin, cefdinir and so on. Nipple not protruding may also be nipple smooth muscle dysplasia, tissue fibrosis and other congenital causes, if accompanied by other symptoms, do not rule out the possibility of other diseases, such as breast cancer, etc., need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to avoid aggravation of the condition.

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