What are the characteristics of migraine in children

  Characteristics of migraine in children: ① The duration of headache attacks in children is relatively short, while the attacks are relatively frequent, with many cases in children having attacks within 1 hour or even about half an hour.  ②The pulsating headache in children with migraine is not prominent, and the diagnosis is more supported if the headache is pulsating, but non-pulsating headache does not exclude or negate the diagnosis.  ③Migraines in children are relatively rare. By migraines, we mean headaches that start on the lateral side and persist or spread outward from one side.  ④Gastrointestinal symptoms are prominent in children with migraine, with more nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain than in adults.  ⑤ Aura symptoms in children are rare or difficult to detect and recognize, and even more difficult to detect in younger children. Most children fall asleep easily after the attack, and the headache can be completely or basically relieved after sleep or rest.  Diagnostic conditions and characteristics of pediatric migraine Diagnostic conditions of pediatric migraine: headache is episodic with normal intervals and at least 3 of the following 6 items: ① headache on one side; ② headache is throbbing; ③ episodic abdominal pain with or without headache, nausea or vomiting with headache; ④ complete or basic relief after rest or sleep; ⑤ aura such as visual abnormalities; ⑥ family history of migraine.

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