1, it is advisable to take the mild, lasting, effective and light side effects of antihypertensive drugs as the basic medication. The requirement of blood pressure reduction should not be too violent, too fast, generally should first use a small dose, and then depending on the blood pressure, gradually increase the dose, or combined with two or more antihypertensive drugs used together, to ensure that the blood pressure down to a safer level (<140/80), diabetes should also be appropriately lower than this value. 2, the current treatment of hypertension in the elderly, more advocate the combination of drugs. According to statistics, the effective control rate of a single drug on blood pressure is 45~55%, while the combined application of two drugs is 75~80%. Combination of drugs can reduce the dose of a single drug, and can synergistically and effectively interfere with a variety of antihypertensive mechanisms, prolong the duration of action and offset each other or reduce some adverse side effects, to better protect the heart, brain, kidneys and other organs. 3, antihypertensive drugs should be adhered to long-term use. Even after serving the antihypertensive effect is satisfactory and blood pressure is relatively stable, you can only adjust the dose accordingly, not easily or suddenly stop the drug. Otherwise, prone to withdrawal syndrome, blood pressure can quickly rebound or even higher, but also can lead to anxiety, arrhythmia, angina and so on. 4, the elderly due to the regulation of blood pressure pressure receptor sensitivity is reduced, blood pressure is prone to large fluctuations, but also prone to complications of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, so the assessment of antihypertensive efficacy, should not be based on a moment or a blood pressure level, but should be systematically measured and observed several times, even if the blood pressure fluctuations should be maintained in a relatively safe range. 5, the elderly should take antihypertensive drugs should be individualized, combined with the patient's condition combination of drugs. Currently, calcium antagonists (CCB) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARB) are preferred, and if the antihypertensive effect is still not satisfactory, small doses of diuretics may be added. 6, for fast heartbeat, with sympathetic excitation of easily agitated hypertensive patients, or combined with coronary artery disease, angina pectoris, premature heartbeat, can be added to the first choice of drugs with the addition of betablockers (such as betalactone, etc.). However, these drugs are not suitable for people with hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia, and are contraindicated for people with slow heartbeat, asthma and atrioventricular block. 7, a small dose of thiazide diuretics: dihydrocortisone and any kind of antihypertensive drugs used together, have a better synergistic effect on lowering blood pressure. However, the larger dose of this drug for long-term application is inappropriate for people with diabetes, hyperlipidemia and renal insufficiency, and can also incur hypokalemia. 8, blood pressure drugs should not be taken at night as far as possible. Of course, for those who have morning hypertension can be treated separately.
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