The relationship between the prostate and sex

  The prostate gland can be considered as an intrinsic male sexual characteristic. When the male secondary sexual characteristics begin to develop, the pituitary gland stimulates the growth of the testes, which, in addition to the growth of sperm, also begin to secrete a large amount of male testosterone.  When men are sexually stimulated, changes in the external genital organs are more obvious, such as the erection of the penis and the elevation of the testicles, while changes in the prostate are less well known. During normal ejaculation, the prostate gland will have a rhythmic contraction that participates in the formation of orgasm and also tightens the bladder neck to prevent semen from flowing backwards into the bladder; when the prostate gland is removed for various reasons, there may be retrograde ejaculation, which is when semen is ejaculated in the opposite direction into the bladder, and this semen will be expelled together with the next urination, a situation that is not harmful to health, but can make conception difficult.  When the prostate gland is diseased, sexual function is affected to varying degrees, and the more common diseases of the prostate are prostatitis, prostate cancer and prostate hypertrophy. As far as we know, prostate enlargement does not cause sexual dysfunction, however, because the age group of prostate enlargement is higher and the rate of sexual dysfunction is higher in older men, there are often cases where prostate enlargement and sexual dysfunction exist at the same time, but there is no direct interaction between them, unless the prostate enlargement causes complications such as urinary tract infection and impaired kidney function.  As for the early stage of prostate cancer, there are no special symptoms and it does not affect the sexual function, but in the later stage, when the cancer causes urinary tract obstruction, urinary tract infection and local pain, the sexual function will be affected. If the cancer cells invade the nerves that control penile erection, erection will be difficult; if the cancer cells invade into the corpus cavernosum of penis, sometimes it will cause persistent abnormal penile erection instead, but this erection will be painful and not hard enough to engage in sexual intercourse.  Prostatitis occurs between the ages of 30 and 50, an age group that is sexually active and therefore has a more pronounced effect on sexual function. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things. The symptoms of chronic prostatitis are usually pain in the penis, urethra or glans and the presence of foreign bodies, soreness in the perineum and scrotum, testicles, discharge from the urethra, and often pain in the lower abdomen and back, sometimes extending to the inner thighs and knees.  Other symptoms related to sexual function are: soreness during erection, premature ejaculation in some cases, and soreness in the urethra and perineum after ejaculation, which usually lasts 1-2 days. However, some patients will have to ejaculate frequently to get relief because of the swelling of the perineum. Some patients have a lack of sexual interest due to local discomfort, and these are all signs of abnormal sexual function.

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