Cephalotaxus spp.

Cephalotaxus has the efficacy of killing worms and eliminating stagnation, moistening intestines and laxatives, moistening lungs and relieving cough. Clinically, it is mainly used for the treatment of abdominal pain of insect accumulation, intestinal dryness and constipation, lung dryness and cough, filariasis.
Cephalotaxus is the dried mature seeds of the plant Cephalotaxus in the family of Cephalotaxaceae. It is sweet in flavor and flat in nature; it belongs to the meridian of lung, stomach and large intestine. This drug is sweet, moist and calm, and enters the large intestine meridian, with the effect of laxative, can be used for the treatment of intestinal dryness and constipation; at the same time, this drug is sweet and moist and enters the lungs, can moisten the lung dryness to stop coughing, and can be used for the treatment of lung dryness and cough.
The adverse effects of Cephalotaxus are not known, but attention should be paid to the fact that it is not suitable for those with loose stools and lung-heat cough, and it is also not suitable for those who are allergic to this drug.
If the patient is not feeling well, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time and take the medicine under the guidance of the doctor’s diagnosis, do not take the medicine on your own to avoid delaying the condition.

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