Why can’t you hold your urine after the catheter is out?

Inflammation, urethral sphincter malfunction, and urinary catheter irritation may be the cause of urinary catheter removal, so it is important to pay attention to this symptom and find out the cause of your problem.
1. Inflammation: If there is inflammation of the urethra or bladder during the urethral retention process, it will lead to the phenomenon that the patient can’t hold in urine after removing the urethra.
2. Urethral sphincter malfunction: If the action is rough when pulling out the urinary catheter, it may lead to the body’s sympathetic nerve damage, so that the patient’s sphincter can not receive the normal signals, which will lead to the pulling out of the urinary catheter can not hold the urine of the situation.
3. Urinary catheter stimulation: in the general anesthesia surgery, may make the patient need catheterization, but in the second day after the operation patients can go down to the ground normally, it is necessary to remove the urinary catheter, after removing the urethral stimulation of the patient, which leads to patients can not hold back the urine, urinary frequency and other phenomena.
It is recommended that after the removal of the urinary catheter, drink more water and urinate more often, also relax yourself so as not to be overly nervous, and consult your doctor for further examination if necessary.

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