Do breast fibroids grow faster in poor health?

Poor physique breast fibroid generally grows faster compared to people with better physique, poorer physique and weaker resistance, so it leads to faster growth of breast fibroid. Breast fibroma is a benign tumor, is a mixture of two components of glandular epithelium and fibrous tissue tissue tissue benign tumors, the development is relatively slow, mainly related to the hormone levels in the body or not, can be surgically removed, the cure rate is relatively high, the human body produces alien cells every day, the normal immune system can be cleared, if the immune system is low, the removal of alien cells is not clean, it may lead to the growth of breast fibroma If the immune system is low and the foreign cells cannot be removed, it may cause breast fibroid to grow faster. You should exercise regularly to improve your resistance, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, develop good living habits and dietary habits, keep a regular routine, and maintain a good mindset.

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