How to regulate lung heat and spleen deficiency

Lung Heat and Spleen Deficiency are two different types of Chinese medicine. For Lung Heat, you can take Sang Ju Granules or Nourishing Yin and Clearing Lung Pills to relieve it, and for Spleen Deficiency, you can take Gui Shen Pills to relieve it. 1. Lung heat: Lung heat is divided into solid lung heat or yin deficiency lung heat, which can be relieved by Sangju Granules and Yangyin Qinglong Pills with certain curative effects. The former has the effect of dispersing wind and clearing heat, promoting the lungs to stop coughing, for external wind-heat caused by colds, coughs, coughing yellow phlegm, sore throat and other symptoms have a certain effect; The latter has the effect of clearing the lungs and throat (clearing lung heat, clearing the throat), nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, for dryness and heat injury to the lung yin caused by dry sore throat, dry cough with little phlegm, hoarseness, afternoon hot flashes (a burst of fever) and other symptoms have a relieving effect, but allergic to drugs and Yang deficiency should be used with caution. 2. Spleen deficiency: Spleen deficiency can be relieved with Qui Spleen Pill, which has the effect of benefiting qi and strengthening the spleen (regulating the qi of the spleen and stomach), nourishing the blood and calming the mind (stabilizing the mind and soothing the emotions by nourishing the blood); It is effective in relieving insomnia and nightmares, fatigue (mental exhaustion and physical weakness), shortness of breath and laziness, indigestion, and loose stools (scanty and unformed feces) caused by spleen deficiency, but should be used with caution for those who are allergic to the drug and those who suffer from stagnation of qi. The above drugs for lung heat, spleen deficiency has a certain effect of relief, pay attention to dietary regulation in daily life, avoid eating spicy, cold and stimulating products, in order to prevent heat injury to the stomach, do not self-medication, please go to the regular hospital in a timely manner, in order to avoid delays in the condition.

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