Does Salvia divinorum tea really work?

Danshen Baoxin Tea is effective in treating chest paralysis (chest tightness and pain) caused by stagnation of heart and blood, but it is only an adjunctive treatment. If you have symptoms of chest paralysis such as tingling in the heart and chest, please consult a physician for diagnosis and standardized treatment, and self-medication is not recommended.
Danshen Baoxin Tea, composed of Salvia miltiorrhiza and green tea, is effective in activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and can be used as an adjunctive treatment for chest paralysis with blood stasis and obstruction of heart and blood, which manifests itself as stabbing pain in the heart and chest, with pain in a certain place that is aggravated at night, or even pain that radiates to the back of the shoulder. Danshen Baoxin Tea can relieve the symptoms of chest tightness, heart pain and palpitation to a certain extent.
Note that during the administration of this drug, avoid tobacco, alcohol, spicy, cold, greasy food, allergies with caution. Its adverse reactions and contraindications are not clear.
If you need to take the drug, please under the guidance of a professional physician to identify the evidence, do not self-medication, so as not to affect your health.

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