How to treat Fazekas grade 2

Fazekas grade 2 is not treated for imaging manifestations, but for the primary cause. Patients may take medications such as aspirin and atorvastatin calcium; if hypertension is present, medications such as amlodipine are needed to control blood pressure; and for diabetes mellitus, glucose-lowering medications such as metformin are needed.
The Fazekas classification is a grading method that describes the severity of white matter lesions in the brain during a cranial MRI. White matter lesions are also known as demyelinating changes in the white matter of the brain.Fazekas grade 2 is a moderate level of white matter lesion in the brain.
It is an ischemic change in the brain caused by lesions in the small blood vessels, and is treated with anti-thrombotic and fat plaque stabilizing medications. For example: aspirin, clopidogrel, atorvastatin calcium, simvastatin and so on.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the treatment of risk factors for cerebrovascular disease. Patients with high blood pressure should take drugs such as amlodipine and Benadryl to lower their blood pressure; patients with diabetes should take drugs such as metformin and dagliflozin to control their blood sugar.
If a senior citizen has Fazekas grade 2 symptoms and does not have cerebral infarction, coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and other diseases, it may be a manifestation of the aging brain, and does not necessarily need to take medication, as long as a light diet, moderate exercise, regular work and rest can be.
It is recommended that patients with Fazekas Grade 2 actively seek medical attention and treatment under the guidance of a physician, and all medications should be used under the guidance of a physician.

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