Difference between valsartan amlodipine and irbesartan

The difference between valsartan amlodipine and irbesartan is mainly different in five aspects: preparation type, dosage, scope of application, antihypertensive effect, and metabolic pathway. 1. Preparation type: valsartan amlodipine is a compound preparation composed of angiotensin receptor antagonist and calcium antagonist, while irbesartan is only a single angiotensin receptor antagonist preparation. 2. Dosage: Each tablet of the compound preparation contains 80mg of valsartan and 5mg of amlodipine, which can be taken once a day, while the specification of Irbesartan tablets is 75mg/tablet, and the average effective dose is 150mg, which needs to be taken twice a day. 3. Scope of application: valsartan amlodipine is more suitable for people who can not control blood pressure with a single drug, mild to moderate hypertension accompanied by coronary heart disease, while Irbesartan is mainly suitable for the treatment of hypertension combined with type 2 diabetes mellitus. 4. Antihypertensive effect: valsartan amlodipine belongs to the two-drug combination, the antihypertensive effect is better than single drug Irbesartan. 5. Metabolic pathway: the valsartan component in valsartan amlodipine is bound to plasma proteins without hepatic metabolism, while irbesartan has to be metabolized in the liver. It should be noted that the adverse reactions of sartans include peripheral edema, dizziness, upper respiratory tract infections, renal insufficiency, pregnant women are prohibited; amlodipine’s adverse reactions include edema, dizziness, flushing, palpitations (rapid heartbeat, often accompanied by panic), and those who are allergic to the product are prohibited. It is recommended that patients with the above conditions go to a regular hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor to standardize the treatment, do not take medication without authorization.

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