Does Helicobacter pylori not usually come back after it is cured?

H. pylori may recur after cure. Helicobacter pylori often infects the stomach and may cause chronic gastritis, gastric cancer, gastric ulcer, gastric mucosal tissue-associated lymphoma and other diseases. Tests found positive for Helicobacter pylori need to be treated with a full course of oral medication and a repeat carbon 13 or carbon 14 breath test according to the physician’s instructions to determine whether the disease is cured. The bacterium is contagious and patients may be re-infected if they eat or have close contact with someone infected with the bacterium after cure. If H. pylori is found to be positive for the first time, it is recommended that the patient be treated appropriately under the guidance of a physician, and it is recommended that the person with whom the patient lives should also undergo a relevant examination to determine whether or not the patient is infected. Patients with recurrence of H. pylori still need standardized anti-H. pylori treatment.

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