What are the adverse effects after the gastric tube is removed

Generally speaking, there are no adverse effects when the stomach tube is removed correctly. When the gastric tube is not removed correctly, on the contrary, food may be choked into the esophagus, causing choking, and regurgitation and vomiting may also occur, so it is recommended to remove the gastric tube correctly to avoid discomfort to the body. How to pull out the gastric tube correctly, first wrap the gastric tube near the nostril with gauze, let the patient do deep breathing, pull out the tube when the patient exhales, pull out quickly when the side is rubbed to the throat, clean the patient’s nose, mouth and face after all pulling out. After the extraction, pay more attention to the diet with the choice of semi-liquid food to avoid increasing the burden on the stomach and intestines, and usually should maintain a good mood and avoid bad emotions.

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