What are the symptoms of aging blood vessels

Vascular aging is the degenerative change of blood vessels, which is caused by disease or ageing, and the symptoms of vascular aging of veins are different from those of arteries. Venous vascular aging is mainly reflected in the change of vascular permeability and the change of vascular elasticity, for example, during intravenous infusion, some elderly people often appear the performance of drug extravasation, which is the change of vascular elasticity and vascular permeability. Another main manifestation of vascular elasticity is the swelling of lower limbs, which is due to the increase of venous pressure after the change of vascular elasticity, so that the blood vessels cannot be completely restored to the normal state, and then show the tortuous expansion. The main manifestation of vascular aging of arteries is atherosclerosis, which is caused by the thickening of arterial intima and the formation of arterial plaque due to age and disease, resulting in the reduction of arterial elasticity and the appearance of arterial sclerosis. Therefore, when vascular aging occurs, it is recommended to improve the arteriovenous ultrasound to clarify whether it is arteriovenous or venous vascular aging, and give symptomatic treatment under the guidance of a specialist.

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