What to do if your four-month-old baby doesn’t poop for five days

Four months baby five days without poop, consider the existence of pediatric constipation phenomenon, can be relieved through the general treatment methods, etiological treatment, symptomatic treatment, etc.. 1. general treatment: first of all, we should pay attention to cultivate the child to develop a good habit of regular bowel movements, daily diet to increase the intake of dietary fiber, and increase the baby’s activities, can improve the symptoms of constipation and other discomforts. 2. Etiological treatment: baby constipation is often considered to be caused by certain diseases, such as congenital megacolon, for this case, need to be treated through surgical resection. For children with poor diets, feeding methods need to be improved. For indigestion causing no bowel movement, it is recommended to apply probiotics (e.g. Bacillus subtilis bacillus granules) and other medications as prescribed by the doctor. 3. Symptomatic treatment: according to the child’s condition, the use of different drugs for treatment. For example, lubricating laxatives, such as Keserol, can lubricate the intestinal wall and soften the effect of stool; osmotic laxatives such as lactulose, etc., is suitable for the treatment of patients with fecal impaction or chronic constipation. The above medications should be used reasonably under the guidance of a professional doctor and in conjunction with the patient’s specific condition.

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