Can Cold Dampness and Congestion Cause Hair Loss?

Hair loss can be attributed to traditional Chinese medicine “oil wind”, “baldness” and other categories, cold and damp congestion will not cause hair loss. Hair loss and kidney deficiency has a relationship, the kidneys hide the essence of the five viscera and six bowels, kidney deficiency makes the essence and blood insufficient, the essence and blood insufficiency will lead to a lack of nutrient supply of hair, resulting in hair loss, the kidneys hide the essence of the Hua in the hair, kidney gas failure, hair loss. Hair loss caused by kidney deficiency can be treated with Seven Treasures Beauty Beard Dan. Hair loss is related to blood (in the four periods of warm disease, Wei Qi and Ying Blood, it is the most in-depth stage or disease position), blood is overheated, blood deficiency, blood depression will cause wind-heat, with the gas upward to the top of the head, the hair root can not be nourished by yin and blood, the hair will appear to be shedding phenomenon. Hair loss caused by blood heat can be treated with Cooling Blood and Eliminating Wind. Hair loss is also often associated with stagnation of liver qi (liver qi is not flowing smoothly), deficiency of qi and blood, and blockage of collaterals by silt and blood. People with hair loss should pay attention to going to bed early and getting up early in their daily life, avoiding staying up late, keeping a good mood, supplementing more fresh fruits and vegetables, and eating less spicy and stimulating food. The above medication should be taken under the guidance of a physician, do not take medication on your own. If the symptoms of hair loss occur, please consult a doctor in time.

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