What to do if you have vaginal bleeding during intercourse two days before your period

There are many reasons for vaginal bleeding two days before menstruation, which may be due to early menstruation, vaginal wall damage, cervical erosion and other factors, it is recommended to go to the hospital to find out the cause of the disease after symptomatic treatment.
1. Early menstruation: women’s menstruation is affected by their own emotions or external stimuli, such as mood swings, coitus, etc., may cause menstruation in advance or delay, two days in advance of the normal range, do not need to carry out special treatment.
2. Vaginal wall damage: If the action is too violent during intercourse or improper intercourse, it may lead to vaginal wall damage and vaginal bleeding. You can use adrenochrome tablets, amoxicillin capsules and other drugs to treat it.
3. Cervical erosion: Cervical erosion is generally referred to the cervical columnar epithelium ectopic, which may lead to the presence of inflammation of the cervix and the cervix is relatively fragile, after coitus, stimulation, resulting in the rupture of capillaries, the phenomenon of vaginal bleeding may occur.
This kind of bleeding is usually small, patients can be examined, can use levofloxacin lactate tablets, gynecological thousand gold tablets and other drugs for treatment.
There may be other reasons for vaginal bleeding during intercourse two days before menstruation, so it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, complete the relevant examinations, and clarify the cause of the disease under the guidance of a professional doctor for targeted treatment. The use of the above drugs should be strictly in accordance with medical advice.

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