What medication to take for vaginal bleeding

For vaginal bleeding, you can clinically take hemostatic drugs. However, it is important to identify the cause of the bleeding. If the bleeding is caused by inflammation of the vagina, anti-inflammatory treatment is given first and hemostatic agents are given at the same time. If the vaginal bleeding is caused by inflammation of the cervix, you can treat the inflammation of the cervix and give hemostatic treatment. If the vaginal bleeding is caused by cervical cancer, surgical treatment is clinically necessary. If the vaginal bleeding is caused by lesions of the endometrium, the appropriate treatment or diagnostic curettage can be given clinically. If the vaginal bleeding is due to submucosal fibroids of the uterus, vaginal bleeding can be treated by intramuscular injection of testosterone propionate, anti-estrogen therapy or surgery, along with hemostatic drugs. Therefore, the medications used for vaginal bleeding differ from one cause to another.

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