What is vaginal bleeding in the seventh month of pregnancy?

In the 7th month of pregnancy, the symptom of bleeding inside the vagina is an abnormal manifestation. Possible causes include: 1. placenta praevia, the low position of placenta is the most common cause of abnormal bleeding in the vagina in late pregnancy, there is no obvious abdominal pain, bleeding can be more or less. 2. placental abruption, often occurs after strenuous exercise, after the abdomen is hit by external force, after sex or after violent mood swings, while bleeding, accompanied by severe abdominal pain. 3. bleeding from cervical lesions Some women suffer from cervical polyps, cervical erosion and other diseases during pregnancy, which can lead to blood in the vaginal discharge, especially after sexual intercourse. Without abdominal pain symptoms, the position of the placenta is determined to be normal after ultrasound examination, and there is usually no major problem in this case.

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