Is it normal to have vaginal bleeding again after menopause?

Vaginal bleeding after menopause is not normal. Vaginal bleeding after menopause is considered to be caused by cervical polyps, endometrial polyps, cervical cancer and other diseases. 1. Cervical polyps: the etiology of cervical polyps is still unclear, and may be related to chronic inflammatory stimulation of the cervix, cervical infection and other reasons. Patients may show postmenopausal bleeding, leukorrhea and so on. 2. Endometrial polyps: the cause of endometrial polyps is unclear, and may be related to high estrogen levels in the body, the uterine cavity and other factors. Patients may have postmenopausal vaginal bleeding and increased secretion. 3. Cervical cancer: cervical cancer is mainly caused by human papillomatosis infection, and patients may have symptoms such as postmenopausal vaginal bleeding, bloody or white vaginal discharge. 4. Other diseases: patients who have vaginal bleeding after menopause may also be related to endometrial cancer, senile vaginitis, ovarian cancer and other diseases. There may be other reasons for vaginal bleeding after menopause, so patients need to consult doctors in time and complete relevant examinations, and doctors will choose appropriate measures to treat the cause of the disease to avoid delaying the condition.

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