What is vaginal bleeding during non-menstrual periods?

There are more reasons for vaginal bleeding during non-menstrual period, which may be caused by ovulation bleeding, preeclampsia, cervical disease, endometrial disease and so on.
1. Ovulation bleeding: If you are in the period of female ovulation, due to the fluctuation of hormone level, you may have ovulation bleeding, which is small and lasts for 2 to 3 days.
2. Pre-eclampsia: If a woman of childbearing age who has recently had sexual intercourse experiences abnormal vaginal bleeding, she needs to go to the hospital to have her blood tested for human chorionic gonadotropin to check if she is pregnant.
3. Cervical diseases: when women suffer from cervicitis, cervical polyps, cervical cancer, there may be contact bleeding, especially after coitus, vaginal bleeding will occur.
4. Endometrial diseases: When women suffer from endometritis, endometrial polyps, endometrial cancer and other diseases, they may also have abnormal vaginal bleeding and fluid discharge.
There may be other reasons for vaginal bleeding during non-menstrual periods, so it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, complete the relevant examinations, identify the causes under the guidance of professional doctors and actively treat them.

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