What does vaginal bleeding mean after endocrine therapy for breast cancer?

What is the meaning of vaginal bleeding after endocrine therapy for breast cancer? It may be caused by the imbalance of estrogen androgen in the patient’s body or the thickening of uterine endometrium, so it is recommended that the patient go to the hospital in time to find out the cause of the disease, and then take appropriate treatments, which are analyzed as follows:

1. Estrogen and male hormone imbalance in the body: breast cancer itself is related to hormone level, after endocrine treatment will cause estrogen and male hormone imbalance in the patient’s body, which may lead to abnormal menstruation, if the patient’s vaginal bleeding is due to abnormal menstruation, there is no problem, and it is suggested that the patient should pay attention to the observation, and if not, the patient should go to the hospital in time to get medical treatment.

2. Endometrial thickening: if patients apply endocrine therapy for a long time, endometrial thickening will occur, which may easily cause endometrial cancer, and biopsy is needed when necessary; meanwhile, if the bleeding is large, hemostatic treatment is needed, such as oral progesterone or dextroprogesterone to stop bleeding, which should be taken under the guidance of doctor.

If vaginal bleeding is caused by endocrine therapy after breast cancer surgery, it is recommended to go to obstetrics and gynecology department for cervical cancer screening and ultrasound examination to exclude gynecological diseases, and then stop bleeding symptomatically.

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