Is vaginal bleeding during sexual intercourse normal?

Vaginal bleeding during sexual intercourse is not normal. If contact bleeding occurs, you need to go to the hospital for an examination. Bleeding after sex is usually a sign of cervical disease, such as cervical polyps, severe cervical erosion, and malignant lesions of the cervix, all of which may cause bleeding after sex. There are also gynecological inflammatory diseases that can cause bleeding after sex, such as acute cervicitis, vaginitis, and acute pelvic inflammatory disease, which can also increase bleeding. For abnormal vaginal bleeding, the most important test is cervical cancer screening, including pathological examination under colposcopy, cytology and HPV assay, etc. Ultrasound is also required. Women with submucosal fibroids that protrude into the uterine orifice may also bleed after sex.

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