What to do if you have vaginal bleeding 45 days after an abortion?

Vaginal bleeding 45 days after abortion may be due to the uterus has not yet recovered, caused by stimulation, may also be caused by inflammation or cervical polyps, cervical erosion and other diseases caused by contact bleeding, can be carried out to stop bleeding, anti-inflammatory or put anti-erosion pessary for treatment.
1. If the uterus has not yet fully recovered, the uterus is stimulated during intercourse caused by bleeding, at this time if the amount of bleeding is small, after rest can be restored, if the bleeding is large, it is recommended to go to the hospital to review the ultrasound, and if necessary, you can take medication to stop bleeding treatment, such as Yunnan Baiyao hemostatic capsules and so on.
2. If the bleeding is caused by inflammation due to infection, antibiotics can be used for treatment, such as taking cephalosporin antibiotics.
3. If the contact bleeding is caused by cervical polyps, cervical erosion and other diseases, you need to go to the hospital for symptomatic treatment, such as Aibao therapy pessary, elimination of erosion pessary and so on.
Vaginal bleeding occurs 45 days after abortion, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible, under the guidance of the doctor to find out the cause of the disease, and then take symptomatic treatment, do not blindly use their own medicine, so as not to cause damage to the body.

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