What’s with the diarrhea and vaginal bleeding?

Diarrhea, vaginal bleeding is considered to be related to the onset of menstruation, but also to be alert to the occurrence of acute gastroenteritis, polyps and other diseases. 1. The onset of menstruation: If the patient’s vaginal bleeding is similar to the amount and color of normal menstruation, then it is considered to be the onset of menstruation, due to pelvic tissue congestion during menstruation, intestinal peristalsis is accelerated, so the patient will have unformed stools, frequent diarrhea and other manifestations, generally to be clean after menstruation, diarrhea symptoms can be gradually improved. 2. If the patient has recently taken unclean food, watery stools, frequent stool symptoms, if the examination found that there are endometrial polyps or cervical polyps, the patient will be at the same time irregular vaginal bleeding. For patients with unexplained diarrhea and vaginal bleeding, it is recommended that they go to a regular hospital for a clear cause of the disease and then be actively treated under the guidance of the doctor.

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