What to do if you are 8 weeks pregnant and coughing and bleeding from the vagina

Coughing and vaginal bleeding at 8 weeks of pregnancy is generally considered to be the possibility of preeclampsia, and need to take medication, surgical treatment, as well as general measures to regulate and so on. 1. medication: 8 weeks pregnant with a severe cough that causes vaginal bleeding, mostly considered to be the emergence of preeclampsia. Pregnant women need to use progesterone, progesterone and other progestins under the guidance of a doctor. 2. Surgical treatment: pregnant women 8 weeks pregnant coughing vaginal bleeding serious, and ultrasound examination found that the embryo is not well developed, then you need to clear the uterus, scraping surgery treatment. 3. General measures: It is recommended that pregnant women should rest more during this period of time, avoid sexual intercourse, eat light and easy to digest food, keep a stable mood, avoid emotional excitement. It is recommended that 8 weeks pregnant coughing vaginal bleeding need to consult a doctor in time. In addition, when the pregnant woman cough is more intense, the doctor needs to cough for the cause of the cough, choose targeted measures to stop the cough treatment.

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