Why do you get vaginal bleeding when you take emergency contraceptive pills after menstruation?

Vaginal bleeding after taking emergency contraceptive pills may belong to withdrawal bleeding, or it may be related to menstruation not yet completely clean or ovulation bleeding. 1. Withdrawal bleeding: For women, in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy, they may occasionally take emergency contraceptive pills, so as to achieve the purpose of contraception. Emergency contraceptive pills contain a large number of hormonal components, which may cause women to have withdrawal bleeding, manifested as vaginal bleeding. 2. Menstruation is not yet clean: women who have intercourse just after menstruation may experience vaginal bleeding because the woman’s pelvic cavity is in a state of congestion during intercourse, which, together with the factors of sexual life, may cause localized fissures in the endometrium to bleed, and vaginal bleeding may occur. 3. Ovulation bleeding: If the bleeding is in the middle of two menstrual periods, it may also be a transient bleeding caused by ovulation. It is recommended that women have intercourse 2-3 days after the menstrual period is completely clean, and need to choose other conventional contraceptive measures, such as wearing a condom, intrauterine device, etc., to avoid the blind use of emergency contraceptive pills, the emergence of post-pill vaginal bleeding greater than 7 days or the amount of significantly more than the amount of menstruation or accompanied by other discomforts in a timely manner, so as to avoid affecting the health of the body.

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