Causes of vaginal bleeding after intercourse

There are several reasons for vaginal bleeding after intercourse: 1, consider whether there is gynecological inflammation, such as vaginitis or cervical surface inflammation, vaginal bleeding will occur after intercourse, if the presence of inflammation is confirmed, only need to treat the inflammation can be; 2, consider whether there is a cervical surface polyp problem, cervical polyps will clearly have contact bleeding symptoms, only need to do gynecological examination to clarify the cervical Whether there are polyps on the surface of the cervix. If the presence of cervical polyps is confirmed, cervical polyp removal surgery is required; 3. Consider the presence of cervical precancer or cervical cancer, cervical precancer or cervical cancer is the most common clinical cause of bleeding after intercourse. The measure to determine the existence of cervical precancer and cervical cancer is to perform cervical TCT and HPV testing, which is very simple and non-invasive for patients. If there is a problem with TCT and HPV, it is highly suggestive of possible cervical precancer or cervical cancer and further colposcopy or cervical biopsy is needed to determine the degree of cervical precancer or the severity of cervical cancer, followed by the appropriate targeted treatment.

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