What to do if you have vaginal bleeding during intercourse

When vaginal bleeding occurs during intercourse, a series of judgments are made based on the amount of bleeding. For example, stimulation of the cervix, including the vaginal wall, during intercourse can cause a small amount of bleeding, similar to the first day of menstruation, or even less bleeding at the end of the period, which usually ends within 3-7 days and can heal automatically without treatment, while intercourse is prohibited during the bleeding period. If the bleeding is very heavy, similar to the amount of menstruation, consider that there will be a laceration in the posterior fornix of the vagina or even a laceration in the vaginal wall. In such a case, it is recommended to go to the gynecology department for a colposcopy including a gynecological examination to look at the cervix, including the vaginal wall with lacerations, and depending on the situation, local compression is needed to stop the bleeding. If the rupture is more severe, a series of suturing procedures should be performed that can help to stop the bleeding.

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