What medication should a woman take if she has a vague pain in her lower right abdomen and vaginal bleeding?

Women’s lower right abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding is considered to be caused by ectopic pregnancy, ovulation bleeding, etc., generally can not take medication, need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, and follow the doctor’s instructions to take the appropriate way of treatment. 1. Ectopic pregnancy: if the fertilized egg in the right side of the fallopian tube bed development, can lead to women appear menopause, right lower abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and other phenomena. Generally, it cannot be treated with oral medication and requires timely tubectomy or resection. 2. Ovulation bleeding: the patient’s right ovary ovulation, ovulation follicle rupture, follicular fluid into the pelvic cavity, there will be hidden pain in the right lower abdomen, and may be accompanied by vaginal bleeding. Usually no special treatment is needed, pay attention to rest, and the symptoms disappear after 2-3 days. In addition, there are many other reasons that can cause a woman’s lower right abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding, it is recommended that patients go to the hospital in a timely manner to find out the cause of the disease, receive treatment as soon as possible, avoid blind medication or avoid medical treatment, in order to avoid delaying the condition.

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