What are the particles in the pores of the face

The particles in the pores of the face may be oil particles or corns, depending on the type of disease. 1. When acne or seborrheic dermatitis occurs on the face, the sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum, which can be discharged if they are not cleaned for a long time or if they are not cleaned for a long time, and the pores can be clogged, resulting in the formation of yellow particles. 2. If keratosis pilaris occurs on the face, due to poor keratinization of the epidermis, resulting in the accumulation of keratin and thus the formation of follicular keratosis pilaris, the particles in the follicle at this time for the keratinous plugs. When there are particles in the pores of the face, to regulate the diet, usually in the diet should pay attention to do not eat too spicy and stimulating food, you can eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, in addition to keep the face clean, try not to use your hands to squeeze out the particles, in order to prevent the phenomenon of infection.

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