Methods of localizing carotid artery pulsations

The strongest point of the carotid artery beat is localized at the medial aspect of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the level of the flat thyroid cartilage. The common carotid artery is the main arterial trunk of the head and neck. To check the carotid artery pulsation, the patient is usually placed in the sitting or supine position, and the strongest point of carotid artery pulsation is localized at the medial side of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the level of the thyroid cartilage. In normal people, the carotid artery is almost invisible, only after strenuous exercise, the carotid artery is obvious, palpation with the fingers of both hands, compared with the two sides of the intensity of the beat is the same. Intense carotid artery pulsations can be seen in patients with aortic valve insufficiency, high blood pressure, and severe anemia. Severe pulsations should be treated under the guidance of a doctor.

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