What kind of people is Danshen Oral Liquid suitable for?

Danshen Oral Liquid is suitable for people with chest paralysis (chest tightness and pain) caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, chest tightness and stabbing pain, or people with coronary heart disease and angina pectoris with the above symptoms. Danshen Oral Liquid is mainly composed of Salvia miltiorrhiza, which has the effects of activating blood circulation, removing blood stasis, and promoting circulation and nourishing the heart. People with chest paralysis (chest tightness and tingling) caused by gas stagnation and blood stasis, or people with angina pectoris of coronary heart disease with the above mentioned symptoms can use Danshen Oral Liquid to treat or improve the disease. It is worth reminding that, in order to ensure the safety of medication, pregnant women should be cautious of using Danshen Oral Liquid. Occasionally, gastric discomfort, nausea, bitter mouth, dry mouth adverse reactions are seen, which generally do not affect the treatment. In addition, the use of drugs need to identify the evidence, so it is recommended to use drugs under the guidance of a doctor, do not blindly use their own drugs, in order to prevent discomfort.

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