Is it normal for newborns to stare with their eyes open?

Whether it is normal for a newborn to freeze with his eyes open needs to be judged according to the specific situation of the newborn, which may be a physiological phenomenon or a pathological phenomenon, such as that caused by neonatal epilepsy. 1. Physiological phenomenon: because newborns are sometimes tired, they will appear to stare with their eyes open. At this time, the child’s mental state, breastfeeding, weight gain, in addition to occasional seizures, are very good, this situation is a normal phenomenon. 2. Pathological phenomenon: when a newborn baby has epilepsy pathological phenomenon, it can also lead to daze with eyes open, which is caused by the brain development is not too mature, the child’s brain will appear abnormal discharge, the early symptoms of newborn epilepsy for the daze and accompanied by mental instability, this situation is not normal. If the newborn is dumbfounded with eyes open, parents should first observe the newborn’s mental condition, and if he is mentally unstable, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time to find out the cause of the disease and then actively treat it.

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