Baby constipation what to eat the fastest laxative

There is no absolute baby constipation fastest laxative method, dyspepsia, intestinal obstruction, anal stenosis and so on may lead to baby constipation, can be relieved through general treatment, drug treatment, surgical treatment and other ways. 1. General treatment: baby constipation should develop good defecation habits, drink more water, more intake of vitamin-containing food, increase activity. Parents can also through the abdomen clockwise massage way, promote intestinal peristalsis, relieve the symptoms of constipation. 2. Medication: baby constipation may be related to indigestion, such as general treatment does not relieve, under the guidance of the doctor to take intestinal probiotics, such as bacillus subtilis bacillus granules to alleviate the symptoms; if necessary, you can temporarily use Keserol to promote defecation. 3. Surgical treatment: intestinal obstruction, anal stenosis, lower rectal stenosis and other factors may also cause constipation in babies, when there are surgical indications, surgical treatment is required. Baby constipation may also have other reasons, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time, improve the examination to clarify the cause of the disease, give targeted treatment or treatment.

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