What to do if your baby refuses to eat complementary foods

The baby refuses to eat complementary foods and gum discomfort, do not like to eat certain types of food and parents feed too many factors related to parents can not force the baby to eat complementary foods, change the shape or flavor of complementary foods, create a good dining atmosphere and other ways to improve.

1. Temporarily do not force the baby to eat complementary foods: the baby refuses to eat complementary foods may be in the teething period, gum discomfort affects the appetite, when the baby’s teeth erupt appetite can return to normal, so parents do not have to worry about, and do not force the baby to eat complementary foods, moderate amount of food for the baby to prepare the puree, paste-like food, to reduce the pressure of chewing.

2. Change the shape or flavor of complementary foods: the baby refuses to eat complementary foods may be related to his dislike of a certain food flavor, such as onions, bitter melon and so on. At this time, parents can change the way of cooking, try to change the original taste of food, or make the food into other shapes, or hidden in other foods, so that the baby does not reject to eat this kind of food.

3. Create a good dining atmosphere: the baby refuses to eat complementary foods may be afraid of parents forced to feed, afraid of cutlery or parents to feed too much related to the first parents to pay attention to the principle of feeding complementary foods in moderation, you can create a good dining environment, such as changing the dining room environment, change the cutlery, or with some special action to the baby to feed and so on.

The baby refuses to eat complementary food parents to find out the reasons, and then one by one to improve.

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