Who is suitable to take Liver Relief Granules

Liver Shuji Granules is mainly indicated for the use of people with liver qi discomfort, liver depression and stagnation of qi (poor qi and blood transportation of the liver, emotional depression), please follow the doctor’s instructions. Liver Relief Granules are effective in relieving liver qi (regulating stagnation of liver qi), relieving depression and regulating menstruation. Liver Relief Granules is composed of Steamed Angelica Sinensis, Wine-roasted Paeoniae Alba, Bran-fried Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae, Vinegar-Anemarrhena, Vinegar-roasted Chaihu, and so on. Clinically, it is mostly used for the pain in both hypochondriacs caused by liver qi discomfort, chest and abdominal distension, irregular menstruation, headache, dizziness, distraction, bitter mouth and dry pharynx, as well as sallow spots on the face caused by liver depression and qi stagnation (chloasma), etc. It should be noted that it is contraindicated for pregnant women; diabetes mellitus. It should be noted that pregnant women are forbidden; diabetic patients are forbidden to take; during the period of taking the medicine, keep the mood optimistic, do not get angry and irritated; people with high blood pressure, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease and other chronic diseases should take under the guidance of a physician; ordinary menstruation is normal, and the sudden appearance of menstruation is too much or too little, or menstruation is staggered, you should go to the hospital for medical treatment. If there is a need for medication, please use it under the guidance of a doctor, do not blindly take it on your own.

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