What is the cause of the flickering circle of light in front of the eyes?

Patient: sudden onset of an irregular jagged ring-like flickering aperture in front of the eyes, with the eye rotation, felt in the middle of the left eye slightly 8 o’clock, the aperture consists of irregular jagged lines of varying thickness, 1/4 unclosed at 2 o’clock, affecting reading and display reading, the aperture gradually became larger in the course of half an hour, the central part gradually did not affect reading, the edge part of the impact aggravated, later felt after the aperture was larger I was born in October 68 and have no medical history. What are the possible causes of retinal detachment and what tests are needed?

Hello patient! The symptoms you describe are probably due to a “flashing sensation” caused by the pulling of the retina by the vitreous humor. With age or myopia, the vitreous humor may degenerate, and the originally clear gel-like vitreous humor may become cloudy after liquefaction, partially concentrated, partially hydrated, and the concentrated vitreous humor may pull on the retina and cause a discharge phenomenon, or “flashing sensation”. During this process, if a hole in the retina develops, the liquefied vitreous body can enter the hole and cause retinal detachment. Once a retinal detachment occurs, it usually does not return to normal. Therefore, you are not currently experiencing a retinal detachment. However, you need to be alert, especially if you find dark shadows in a certain direction or a certain quadrant of the field of vision or an increased sense of flash when you see something, please be sure to go to the doctor so that timely detection and early correct treatment. It is recommended to go to the hospital and ask the doctor to dilate the pupil to check the fundus of the eye.       

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