What is the pain of pulling a tendon on the inner thigh?

The most common clinical cause of pain with a pulling tendon in the inner thigh is strain of the inner thigh muscles after strenuous exercise or prolonged walking, or inflammation of the fascia, which in turn leads to pain. The main manifestation of the pain is a pulling pain in the inner thigh, sometimes combined with radiating pain, which can be induced by hand pressure, but will feel comfortable when percussion. In this case, we should pay attention to rest, and if necessary, we can cooperate with medication, mainly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, such as Xilabao capsules or Nimesulide dispersible tablets. Another cause is lumbar disc herniation, because the herniated disc compresses the nerve, which leads to radiating pain in the muscles of the innervated area, usually seen in superior disc herniation. In this case, a CT or MRI examination of the lumbar spine is needed to clarify the degree of disc protrusion and the direction of protrusion, and medication is generally chosen, or if the protrusion is more serious, surgery is required.

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