Can the herb Coix lacryma be used to treat yin deficiency?

Job’s tears do not have the effect of treating yin deficiency. Job’s tears have the effect of stopping diarrhea, strengthening the spleen, detoxification and dispersal of toxins, inducing diuresis and seepage of dampness (to promote the flow of water to dispel dampness), draining pus and removing paralysis. Job’s tears belong to the spleen, stomach, lung meridian, sweet, light, cool, stop diarrhea and strengthen the spleen, detoxification and dispersal of knots, diuresis and seepage of dampness, drainage of pus, paralysis, can be used for diarrhea (diarrhea caused by a weak spleen), and is often used in combination with Poria, ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, and so on. It can be used for treating diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency and dampness; lung carbuncle, intestinal carbuncle (carbuncle occurring in the intestines and bowels, manifested by fever, pain in the right abdomen, and palpable lumps), can be used in combination with Pseudostellariae, Mudanpi, and Scrophulariae to treat intestinal carbuncle. This product can also be used for swollen feet, edema, dysuria (unsmooth urination); dampness paralysis and constriction; warts (sarcoma growing on the skin), and cancer. The adverse effects of this product are not clear, and should not be taken by people with deficiency of cold and essence, fluid deficiency and yin deficiency. Please use Coix lacryma under the guidance of a doctor, and do not use by yourself to avoid adverse reactions.

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