Do male sprays have side effects?

Male sprays are known to have certain side effects such as erectile dysfunction and allergies. Most of the sprays are a kind of surface anesthetics, which usually need to be sprayed on the penis, which can reduce the sensitivity of the glans as well as the surrounding nerve endings, so as to achieve the effect of delay. If you use male sprays for a long time, it may cause erectile dysfunction due to the penile nerves being paralyzed for a long time; secondly, it may cause allergy to any one of the male and female parties, and adverse reactions such as itching, redness, swelling, inflammation, etc. may occur. Normal men do not need to use any drugs to assist sexual life, as long as the couple is satisfied, and for patients suffering from premature ejaculation, should go to the regular hospital in time to confirm the diagnosis, and under the guidance of the doctor to use drugs for treatment.

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