What to do if you have itchy skin with small bumps

Itchy skin bumps are mostly caused by hives, insect bite dermatitis, contact dermatitis, etc., which can be treated by taking antihistamines and applying local anti-itching drugs. 1. Hives: can be used externally with glycerine lotion, you can also take antihistamines, commonly used drugs such as loratadine, cetirizine, etc. to stop itching. 2. Insect bite dermatitis: you can apply local anti-itching drugs, such as glycerine lotion, or glucocorticoids such as hydrocortisone butyrate cream and other treatments. 3. contact dermatitis: contact dermatitis caused by itchy skin bumps, need to immediately detach from the sensitizer, and wash the skin, topical glucocorticoids such as dianabed cream, etc., but also oral antihistamines such as loratadine. There may be other reasons for the itchy skin bumps, so we recommend that you consult a doctor and use medication under his guidance.

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